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Society Members

Society Members

1.        Ahmet Selçuk Kızılışık(251) 2.        Ali Atıf Polat (198) 3.        Ali Tomak (46) 4.        Alper Raif İpek (264) 5.        Arif Ziya Tunç (173) 6.        Ayben Kaynar Tanır (142) 7.        Ayşe Anıl (209) 8.        Ayşe Gül Kıranoğlu (248) 9.        Ayşen ...

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İED ÜYELİK FORMU Üyelik başvurusu için İstanbul Ekslibris Derneği web sitesindeki dernek tüzüğünü okuyup, derneğe üye olmanıza engel bir durumun olmadığını görüp, 500,00 TL olan üyelik başvuru ödentisini, Akbank Maslak Şubesi, İstanbul Ekslibris Derneği, 0645 - 0092039 nolu hesabına (IBAN: TR06 0004 6006 4588 8000 ...

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Honorary Members

Antonio Grimaldi, (Italy) Prof. Dr. Atilla Atar Benoit Junod, (Switchzerland) Prof. Dr. Christine Deboosere, (Belgium) Prof. Dr. Ekrem Ekinci Emel Uludağ (1968-2014) Feyyaz Yaman Prof. Dr. Hasan Pekmezci Prof. Dr. Hayati Misman Heinrich R. Scheffer, (Austria) Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bilgin Ichigoro Uchida, (Japan) İsmail İlhan (1961-2008) İstemihan Talay James P. Keenan, (USA) Prof. Dr. Johan Bosschem, (Belgium) Jose Miguel V. Esparza, (Spain) Prof. Dr. Kaya Özsezgin, (1938-2016) Klaus ...

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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

President: Hasip Pektaş Vice-President: Ayşen Erte Treasurer: Hatice Öz Pektaş Executive Secretary: Ozan Uyanık Foreign Relations: Osman Dinç

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Istanbul Ex-libris Society

Istanbul Ex-libris Society

Istanbul Ex-libris Society has made efforts to ensure solidarity among artists, designers, book lovers and collectors, to develop and spread ex-libris as a branch of art, to arouse interest in books and printmaking, to promote our country, culture and art abroad ...

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REGULATION OF THE İSTANBUL EX-LIBRIS SOCIETY (İstanbul Ex-libris Dernegi - İED) A - GENERAL PROVISION THE NAME AND THE CENTER OF THE SOCIETY ARTICLE-1) The name of the society is İstanbul Ex-libris Dernegi (İstanbul Ex-libris Society). ARTICLE-2) The center of the association is ...

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