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2024 * Nurten Erdoğan received the Silver Award at the 13th International Ex-libris Competition in Hungary. In the same competition, Neriman Pilavoğlu, Canan Bilge, Meral Özdemir received Honourable Mention, Betül Uras, Tülay Öktem, Ayşegül Kıranoğlu, Ayterim Uzundurukan, Ayşen Erte, Yeşim Önde ...

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American Society of Bookplate Collectors & Designers (ASBC&D): Antique Bookplates: Argentina Exlibris: Arkady Pugachevsky: Association of Collectors and Friends of Exlibris (SSPE): Bookplate Society: Club Exlibris Suisse:

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Theses of Ex-libris

THESES of EX-LIBRIS (M.Sc., S. Proficiency, Ph.D.) Source: (24.12.2020) 1. Ayben Kaynar Kaynak ve dayanaklarıyla Exlibris ve bir örnek sanatçı: Hasip Pektaş Origins and support systems of Exlibris and an artist: Hasip Pektas Mustafa Kemal ...

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